Tukadu: Perlen and Schmuckdesign is an over the top bead and jewellery shop in Berlin. It is one of the strangest and coolest shops I've been in. It was full of weirdos making their own tribal amulet-style necklaces out of little plastic cats, rubber whales, crystals, dried up foliage et c.
The staff look fiercely gothic but despite the burlesque vibe in the shop as it was Berlin I got the feeling they all probably listened to eurotrance in their downtime.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Available from Corky Saint Clair $49au
skull candle holder,
skull corky
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Corona Tray $39Au from Corky Saint Clair
Imagine the look on your boyfriend's face when you bring him a tall, cold beer on this handsome tray. Wear a pair of high heels and and that's an Official Date Night.
What other things could you put on the tray?
Imagine the look on your boyfriend's face when you bring him a tall, cold beer on this handsome tray. Wear a pair of high heels and and that's an Official Date Night.
beer tray,
mexican beer tray
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The fashion industry wants us believe that Alice in Wonderland is the key to this season's looks. I really hope top hats don't come into fashion - that always says 'circus' and 'freaky' to me.
An easier nod would be to carry a cute fob watch such as this sweet piece.
Ceramic Deer fob watch
Available from Corky Saint Clair $39Au
An easier nod would be to carry a cute fob watch such as this sweet piece.
Ceramic Deer fob watch
Available from Corky Saint Clair $39Au
deer fob watch,
deer watch,
fob watch melbourne,
ladies fob watch melbourne
Posted by
Look at this sweet review our sister shop Lenko got in the fashion edition of Melbourne Magazine
The editor's pick - Corky Saint Clair Wooden Jewellery.
Damn, she has good taste.
The editor's pick - Corky Saint Clair Wooden Jewellery.
Damn, she has good taste.
corky wooden jewelry,
lenko flinders lane,
lenko jewelry,
lenko melbourne,
lenko stockists
Posted by
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
perfectly pitched comedy or every flavour of wrong - either way it's hard not to watch this 'next level shit'
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Sorry I haven't been posting, I have/ have had the worst food poisoning ever. I think I got it from a weird carrot juice I got from QV. I kinda knew something was up because my request for frozen yoghurt and muesli stumped my service provider, so I said 'don't worry about it I'll just get a carrot and apple juice' and she had to look up how to make that and was shoving weird shit into it, like oranges.
I feel that if you are so unknowledgeable about the basics of the food and beverage industry that you can't even make a classic like carrot and apple juice, then you probably wouldn't know about this new practice called 'washing your hands'.
Anyway, here is our new necklace - "BEN" the rat necklace you have been looking for. It is made from 20 grams of solid silvery goodness, which is nice weight to have around your neck.
And, yes I washed my hands before I put them on the floor.
Available from Corky Saint Clair, Lenko, Kids in Berlin and Tomorrow Never Knows. $160Au RRP
I feel that if you are so unknowledgeable about the basics of the food and beverage industry that you can't even make a classic like carrot and apple juice, then you probably wouldn't know about this new practice called 'washing your hands'.
Anyway, here is our new necklace - "BEN" the rat necklace you have been looking for. It is made from 20 grams of solid silvery goodness, which is nice weight to have around your neck.
And, yes I washed my hands before I put them on the floor.
Available from Corky Saint Clair, Lenko, Kids in Berlin and Tomorrow Never Knows. $160Au RRP
Posted by
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I took this photo right before we got the Flood of the Century last week. Should've known something was up.
degraves street subway flood,
melbourne flood
Posted by
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
I found this unusual powder coated steel Ogee shaped chain in Tokyo and bought some for the shop. Girls have been buying them which is heartening because I wasn't sure if people would like them as much as I did.
85cm, $39 available only a Corky Saint Clair
85cm, $39 available only a Corky Saint Clair
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I 'put together' this (I found the pressed tin image in NYC and the flask in Melbourne) for my friend Mikolai's birthday present - the pregnant lady scotch flask!
It kinda doesn't make any sense but it made me laugh when it was finished.
It kinda doesn't make any sense but it made me laugh when it was finished.
hip flask,
hip flask melbourne,
scotch flask
Posted by
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The subway got flooded today, it was dramatic.
Louis was like
-ugh something very bad is about to happen
and we went outside and there was so much water rushing in it didn't make sense. There was a 4m waterfall from the street into the subway down the staircase it was incredible - just a wall of solid water. To be honest I enjoyed the spectacle of it.
The funny thing was people were still trying to buy stuff with the lights out and a foot of water. How much clearer could it be that the EFTPOS terminal was not going to work?
Had my photo taken by Fashion Hayley as I did clean up - 'The Flood Outfit'. I love this Patty Smith teeshirt from the Dead Flowers series by Bbblessing in the LES. It looked really good wet with my new gumboots. I got some of their tees to sell at Corky but there's only a handful.
And at the studio there was a 3 metre waterfall falling directly into my design space.
It really was like Melbourne saying 'Welcome Back'. It was OK - all these extreme weather glitches create a rupture that allow for dialogue so I am happy for that.
Louis was like
-ugh something very bad is about to happen
and we went outside and there was so much water rushing in it didn't make sense. There was a 4m waterfall from the street into the subway down the staircase it was incredible - just a wall of solid water. To be honest I enjoyed the spectacle of it.
The funny thing was people were still trying to buy stuff with the lights out and a foot of water. How much clearer could it be that the EFTPOS terminal was not going to work?
Had my photo taken by Fashion Hayley as I did clean up - 'The Flood Outfit'. I love this Patty Smith teeshirt from the Dead Flowers series by Bbblessing in the LES. It looked really good wet with my new gumboots. I got some of their tees to sell at Corky but there's only a handful.
And at the studio there was a 3 metre waterfall falling directly into my design space.
It really was like Melbourne saying 'Welcome Back'. It was OK - all these extreme weather glitches create a rupture that allow for dialogue so I am happy for that.
campbell arcade flood,
degraves street subway flood
Posted by
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wood Pencil tree from Romp Store
coloured pencil tree,
Romp store
Posted by
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Went to PS1- a tad underwhelming - more of a community vibe than International Must See Institution. The centrepiece was this swimming pool installation by Leandro Erlich. It was OK - a bit of a 'wow' moment as you walk into it.
My favourite work at PS1 was by Hank Willis Williams. I couldn't get a clear picture as there were too many security guards around.
The text in the tiny photo says
"negroes will control the intensity of fight"
ps1 hank willis williams,
PS1 leandro erlich,
PS1 Moma
Posted by
437 e 9th Ave (between Ave and 1st Ave)
East Village
Exhibition launch 6pm to 10pm 06/02/10
Metal Mad - an army of artists paying homage to heavy metal. Artsists include Bigfoot, Buff Monster, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Eric Nyquist, Bwana Spoons...
Heaps of different styles of work from crazy line work drawings to delicate gouache hand painted works that invoke heavy metal typography.
This is the shop manager Mark next to "Skull Fuck" which is apparently by a Sydney Artist.
Giant Robot metal mad,
Giant Robot NYC
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spotted rehearsing at PS1 - 'emerging performance art group CHERYL' working out a dance routine to Crystal Castles vs The Klaxons
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Friday, February 05, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Window dressing in NYC really is an art form. I liked this typographic display at Stella McCartney's shop in the Meat Packing District. It is made up of hundreds of vintage cards. Sweet.
This girl at D'espresso in the LES was wearing one of my friend Neil Thomas's necklaces. It's kinda cool to think it made is way over here.
I saw some guy wearing one of my scarves on Madison Ave but it felt a bit stalker-y to take his photo. I checked the label though.
neil thomas melbourne,
neil thomas wood,
wood necklace
Posted by
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Here's a photo of a couple macking hard at Highline in the Meatpacking District. This park that opened in August 2009. It is a fun combination of nature & architecture, full of sculpture-y furniture that is hard to walk across...
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- I like rainbows, crystals, coloured pencils, swimming, manifesting, visualising, poetry, going out for breakfast, graphic novels, air conditioning, miniature anything, clothing made from synthetic fabrics, travelling, travelling, staying in nice hotels, headphones, husbears + soft hands. I don't like people who make me feel tired.
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